The Relationship Between Indoor Air Quality And Happiness

Indoor air quality is a global issue.

We take up to 30,000 breaths a day. That’s a lot of air we put in and out of our body every 24 hours. But how much do you know about what you’re breathing in? most people spend most of their time inside. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates Americans are indoors 90% of their time – in built environments such as homes, schools, workplaces, places of worship, or gyms.

 breathing in fresh, clean air indoors is critical for good all We spend around 90% of our time indoors so it’s important to ensure the air we’re breathing is clean. Breathing is our first instinctive action and the most natural thing we do, over 20,000 times a day in fact so that is the reason why (IAQ) is so important.

Health Issues Associated with Air Pollution

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is strongly connected to health and feel happiness.

Poor IAQ is associated with the following health problems:

  • Respiratory Illnesses
  • Throat and Nasal Illnesses, Scratchy Throat
  • Complications for Lung and Heart Conditions
  • Coughing
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Headaches
  • Moderate to Severe Allergic Reactions (Mold, Mildew)
  • Asthma Complications
  • Cancer
  • Fatigue
  • Skin illnesses scratchy

This list is not extensive and may not show the entire picture of potential health risks from poor air quality. Short-term exposure to poor air quality can result in illness and disease, while long-term exposure can lead to serious complications. Any exposure at all can be dangerous and may exasperate pre-existing conditions or create new health issues.

Common Environmental Pollutants

In homes, offices, and other public spaces there are many common pollutants. These include VOCs, second-hand smoke, radon, nitrogen dioxide, lead particles, asbestos or other building materials, mold, or mildew.

Pollutants can be organic or man-made. Household furnishings may hold mold and mildew, while non energy efficient appliances could create smoke and chemical pollutants in the home. In humid areas, mold and mildew are commonly found tucked away in attic or basements where the musty odors, condensation, and other sign are not as visible.

So, as air pollution increases, happiness decreases. The higher the indoor air quality, the greater your happiness. Avoid air pollution today and ensure there’s good indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home so you can live a healthier, happier and longer life.

In addition; research increasingly illustrates the impact that dirty air has on mental illness. Some studies show that even brief, temporary air pollution exposure may be linked to an increased risk for mental disorders like depression andschizophrenia, with damage starting as early as childhood in other word Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) has been tied to symptoms like headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and irritation of the eyes, nose, throatand lungs. Also, some specific diseases have been linked to specific air contaminants or indoor environments, like asthma with damp indoor environments.

Having high-quality indoor air is important to maintaining good health. Some of the benefits associated with a clean-air home include the following.

Benefits of Having Clean Indoor Air

1. Lower Risk of Heart Diseases

The heart is a delicate organ that can easily be compromised by airborne contaminants. There is a strong link between cardiovascular diseases and air pollution. Keeping your indoor air clean will limit the exposure to such pollutants thus reducing the risk of attracting heart-related diseases.

2. Better Home Workouts

If you are a fan of home workouts, having a high level of air quality is very crucial. It is well known that quality air promotes better athletic performance. People who bike or run using home exercise equipment need higher oxygen levels than ordinary in order to get the most out of their workout. Thus, having high air quality is a requirement for better workouts.

3. Clean Indoor Air Acts as an Anti-Aging Component

Today, natural methods of staying young have been rampant. Individuals are using such remedies to help them maintain a youthful look. When you get exposed to toxins, you are likely to age faster because of the resulting chemical reactions. However, with clean indoor air, your skin is likely to maintain its elastic nature thus preventing wrinkles. If residing in a dry climate area, consider using a humidifier to bring in purified air; important for raising the moisture content.

4. Improved Cognitive Health

The human brain heavily relies on oxygen just like any other part of the body. When you inhale polluted air that is full of contaminants, the brain is affected negatively. Long-term exposure to such particulate matter may lead to cognitive decline. Keeping your indoor air quality high, you will be able to prevent brain damage or any early decline of cognitive function.

5. Increased Happiness

Clean indoor air is associated with happiness. A study conducted in a Canadian cohort revealed that those who lived in air polluted areas have lower statistical levels of real happiness and satisfaction. Similarly, the study also revealed that happiness statistics were linked to air quality. Increased level of happiness leads to low stress while improving overall health.

So all studies have shown that people are healthier, more comfortable and more productive in structures with good indoor air quality it also contributes to happiness.




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