The Relationship Between Indoor Air Quality And Happiness
Indoor air quality is a global issue. We take up to 30,000 breaths a day. That’s a lot of air we put in and out
Predict yearly indoor radon levels with a minimum set of measurements and get real-time data on your mobile
Start using RadonCERT, which provides you with smart and effective devices for monitor and control of radon levels in indoor areas from households to organizational and commercial buildings.
CERT group has developed an effective radon meter that provides indoor air quality measurements for household and organizational use at limited cost and effort and maximum efficiency.
RadonCERT devices measure short-term radon levels and collect data on environmental parameters enabling it to predict long-term radon concentration levels with a deep learning-based estimator. The results are accessible easily and in real-time both on the device display and within our online platform and mobile application.
We provide both hardware and software solutions for your indoor air quality monitoring.
Single portable device for short-term radon levels measurement and long-term predictions with deep learning-based estimator, which shows results in a simple interface on its display.
The smart version of DigiPort with detailed quantitative data in the connected online platform and applications, that can also be integrated with your smart home.
We offer long-term radon levels estimator through our web-based services separately to individuals, companies, organizations, and governmental sections.
Save time and money by using RadonCERT devices for measuring radon distribution in your indoor areas, and make sure you are inhaling clean and healthy air.
View and monitor radon levels in your indoor area on the device indicator panel and your app dashboard
Integrate the application with your smart home to monitor data, set alerts, and take necessary actions.
Measure radon concentration in different rooms and locations in your building with one device.
Predict long-term radon levels from short-term measurements with deep learning-based estimator
Indoor air quality is a global issue. We take up to 30,000 breaths a day. That’s a lot of air we put in and out
What is Radon? Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that forms naturally when uranium in soil, rock, and water breaks down. It can seep
What is Radon? Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that forms naturally when uranium in soil, rock, and water breaks down. It can seep
The risk of residential radon exposure does indeed vary geographically due to differences in the underlying geology. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that
In this article, we try to scientifically explain how radon gas can affect the lung and change its tissue. Entry into the Respiratory System: Alpha
Soil Permeability Soil permeability or texture is considered a predictive factor for high radon concentrations. Soils that are sandy or gravely, are more permeable than
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